Elder is featured reader to celebrate Parallel Press

Poet in Residence Karl Elder was one of five featured readers during the tenth anniversary celebration of Parallel Press, the imprint of the University of Wisconsin's Memorial Library, held at the Neville Public Museum in Green Bay on July…

“Tour in Stone” receives Honorable Mention

Karl Elder's "Tour in Stone" received Honorable Mention in the recent "Mask of Ordinariness" contest conducted by Free Verse.  Karl's poem appears in issue #84 of the journal, which is available in the periodicals section of John Esch Library…

Mead chosen for Honorable Mention

The Council for Wisconsin Writers has singled-out Lakeland College Professor Karl Elder's Mead: Twenty-six Abecedariums for Honorable Mention among "an admirable field of submissions" for its Posner Award of 2006. Elder was a guest at the council's annual banquet…

“Negative Capability” anthologized

Karl Elder's "Negative Capability" (the poem's title a phrase coined by John Keats in 1817 in a letter to his brothers in which he extols the virtue of uncertainty) dedicated to the 83-year-old editor and matriarch of Beloit Poetry…

Gilgamesh at the Bellagio unveiled

Poet in Residence Karl Elder has been invited to unveil his sabbatical project at the first annual Spring City Poetry Festival at Waukesha Public Library on Friday, April 28 and Saturday, April 29. A quasi-narrative poem, a minimalist's epic…

Runes: A Review of Poetry

Karl Elder's prose poem, "Prepubesence, " appears in the newly-released Runes: A Review of Poetry, the annual thematic anthology from Arctos Press of Sausalito, California. An image of the volume's cover is available at http://members.aol.com/Runes/Signals.html .

Elder wins BPJ’s Chad Walsh Poetry Prize

Karl Elder was recently awarded the 2005 Beloit Poetry Journal’s 13th Annual Chad Walsh Poetry Prize. Karl’s set of eight poems from Z Ain’t Just for Zabecedarium were the winning selections. Karl's poem "American Bovary (The Cosmetician)" can be…